At a time when our professional and social horizons have been restricted to our own homes and families it is still relevant to reflect on the essential contribution that global education can make to create opportunities for individuals, their families, business and wider society.
I have just finished adding a set of pages on the website discussing my own personal experience of global education with additional information about my own area of expertise and interest: education about our shared global challenges and new models of collaboration global education through Transnational Education (TNE).
The opportunities that higher education can provide, both in terms of learning new knowledge and skills and then for some, progressing to undertake personal research is a major opportunity that changes lives. In my own life, it was that opportunity at the University of Canterbury, New Zeland that launched my own professional career that has involved working education, research, business and the public sector in over 50 countries.
One of my main motivations in my career now, is to provide those same opportunities to young people who wish the opportunity to “make a difference in the world” through education, research and innovation. You can learn more as you browse the website and I hope that it motivates others to contritbute to create and deliver those opportunities.