Journal Papers

Nkedianye, D. K., Ogutu, J. O., Said, M. Y., Kifugo, S. C., de Leeuw, J., Van Gardingen, P., & Reid, R. S. (2020). Comparative social demography, livelihood diversification and land tenure among the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania. Pastoralism, 10(1), 17. Cite
Nkedianye, D. K., Ogutu, J. O., Said, M. Y., Kifugo, S., de Leeuw, J., Van Gardingen, P., & Reid, R. S. (2019). Livestock-wealth inequalities and uptake of crop cultivation among the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania. World Development Perspectives, 14, 100106. Cite
Msoffe, F. U., Ogutu, J. O., Said, M., Kifugo, S. C., de Leeuw, J., Van Gardingen, P. R., Reid, R. S., Stabach, J. A., & Boone, B. (2019). Wildebeest migration in East Africa: Status, threats and conservation measures. Cite
Howe, C., Suich, H., van Gardingen, P., Rahman, A., & Mace, G. M. (2016). Elucidating the pathways between climate change, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. ROS Extract. Cite
Karfakis, T. N. S., Andrade, A., Volkmer-Castiho, C., Valle, D. R., Arets, E., & Van Gardingen, P. R. (2015). Drought Stress and its Effect on Amazonian forest Dynamics Model Projections. International Journal of Bio-Resource and Stress Management, 6(1), 30–40. Cite
Msoffe, F. U., Kifugo, S. C., Said, M. Y., Neselle, M. O., Van Gardingen, P., Reid, R. S., Ogutu, J. O., Herero, M., & de Leeuw, J. (2011). Drivers and impacts of land-use change in the Maasai Steppe of northern Tanzania: an ecological, social and political analysis. Journal of Land Use Science, 6(4), 261–281. Cite
Msoffe, F. E., Said, M., Ogutu, J. O., Kifugo, S. C., de Leeuw, J., van Gardingen, P. R., & Reid, R. S. (2011). Spatial correlates of land-use changes in the Maasai-Steppe of Tanzania: Implications for conservation and environmental planning. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(7), 280–290. Cite
Msoffe, F. U., Ogutu, J. O., Kaaya, J., Bedelian, C., Said, M. Y., Kifugo, S. C., Reid, R. S., Neselle, M., van Gardingen, P., & Thirgood, S. (2010). Participatory wildlife surveys in communal lands: a case study from Simanjiro, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 48(3), 727–735. Cite
Valle, D., Staudhammer, C. L., Cropper, W. P., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2009). The importance of multimodel projections to assess uncertainty in projections from simulation models. Ecological Applications, 19(7), 1680–1692. Cite
Valle, D., Phillips, P., Vidal, E., Schulze, M., Grogan, J., Sales, M., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2007). Adaptation of a spatially explicit individual tree-based growth and yield model and long-term comparison between reduced-impact and conventional logging in eastern Amazonia, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 243(2–3), 187–198. Cite
Parlane, S., Summers, R. W., Cowie, N. R., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2006). Management proposals for bilberry in Scots pine woodland. Forest Ecology and Management, 222(1–3), 272–278. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Valle, D., & Thompson, I. (2006). Evaluation of yield regulation options for primary forest in Tapajos National Forest, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 231(1–3), 184–195. Cite
Phillips, P. D., Thompson, I. S., Silva, J. N. M., van Gardingen, P. R., & Degen, B. (2004). Scaling up models of tree competition for tropical forest population genetics simulation. Ecological Modelling, 180(2–3), 419–434. Cite
Thin, N., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2004). Participatory forestry; sharable lessons for better management of common. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 14, 229–242. Cite
Phillips, P. D., de Azevedo, C. P., Degen, B., Thompson, I. S., Silva, J. N. M., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2004). An individual-based spatially explicit simulation model for strategic forest management planning in the eastern Amazon. Ecological Modelling, 173(4), 335–354. Cite
Yahya, A. Z., van Gardingen, P. R., & Grace, J. (2004). Diameter growth of naturally regenerated Dryobalanops aromatica in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 16(1), 1–8. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., McLeish, M. J., Phillips, P. D., Fadilah, D., Tyrie, G., & Yasman, I. (2003). Financial and ecological analysis of management options for logged-over Dipterocarp forests in Indonesian Borneo. Forest Ecology and Management, 183(1–3), 1–29. Cite
Phillips, P. D., Brash, T. E., Yasman, I., Subagyo, P., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2003). An individual-based spatially explicit tree growth model for forests in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Ecological Modelling, 159(1), 1–26. Cite
Yahya, A. Z., van Gardingen, P. R., & Grace, J. (2003). Tree growth and potential yield of plantation grown Drylobalanops aromatica of Peninsula Malaysia. Journal for Tropical Forest Science, 15, 369–386. Cite
Phillips, P. D., Yasman, I., Brash, T. E., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2002). Grouping tree species for analysis of forest data in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Forest Ecology and Management, 157(1–3), 205–216. Cite
Phillips, P. D., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2001). SYMFOR post processor 2. The University of Edinburgh. Cite
Phillips, P. D., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2001). SYMFOR 2000 including ecological models for Guyana. The University of Edinburgh. Cite
Yahya, A. Z., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Growth and yield of plantation grown Dryobalanops aromtaica: 50 years after planting. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 11(1), 205–217. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Jackson, G. E., HernandezDaumas, S., Russell, G., & Sharp, L. (1999). Leaf area index estimates obtained for clumped canopies using hemispherical photography. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 94, 243–257. Cite
Yahya, A. Z., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Stand growth and yield of plantation grown Dryobalanops aromatica in Peninsular Malaysia; > 50 years after planting. Journal for Tropical Forest Science, 205–217. Cite
Clearwater, M. J., Susilawaty, R., Effendi, R., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Rapid photosynthetic acclimation of Shorea johorensis seedlings after logging disturbance in Central Kalimantan. Oecologia, 121, 478–488. Cite
Clearwater, M. J., Nifinluri, T., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Forest fire smoke and a test of hemispherical photography for predicting understorey light in Bornean tropical rain forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 97, 129–139. Cite
Asdak, C., Jarvis, P. G., van Gardingen, P. R., & Fraser, A. (1998). Rainfall interception loss in unlogged and logged forest areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Hydrology, 206, 237–244. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Clearwater, M. J., Nifinluri, T., Effendi, R., Rusmantoro, W., Noor, M., Mason, P. A., Ingleby, K., & Munro, R. (1998). Impacts of logging on the regeneration of lowland dipterocarp forest in Indonesia. Commonwealth Forestry Review, 77, 71–82. Cite
Christal, A., Davies, D. H. K., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1998). The germination ecology of Chenopodium album populations. Aspects of Applied Biology, 51, 127–134. Cite
Asdak, C., Jarvis, P. G., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1998). Evaporation of intercepted precipitation based on an energy balance in unlogged and logged forest areas of central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 92, 173–180. Cite
Domingo, F., Moro, M. J., Sanchez, G., Brenner, A. J., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1997). Leaf and canopy boundary layer conductances of two semi-arid species (Retama sphaerocarpa L. Boiss, and Stipa tenacissima L.). Mediterranea, 16, 37–41. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Jackson, G. E., Russell, G., & Raschi, A. (1997). Field techniques for ecophysiology: past and future perspectives. Journal of Experimental Biology, Environmental Perspectives, 1996/97, v–xii. Cite
Domingo, F., van Gardingen, P. R., & Brenner, A. J. (1996). Leaf boundary layer conductance of two native species in southeast Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 81, 179–199. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Grace, J., Harkness, D. D., Miglietta, F., & Raschi, A. (1995). Carbon dioxide emissions at an Italian mineral spring: measurements of average CO2 concentration and air temperature. Ag. & Forest Meteorol, 73, 17–27. Cite
Farnsworth, K. D., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1995). Allometric analysis of Sitka spruce branches: mechanical versus hydraulic design principles. Trees - Structure and Function, 10, 1–12. Cite
Jeffree, C. E., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1993). A portable cryo-storage system for low-temperature scanning electron microscopy suitable for international transport. Journal of Microscopy, 172, 63–69. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Grace, J., & Jeffree, C. E. (1993). Long-term effects of CO2 increase on a Mediterranean ecosystem. J. Exp. Bot, 44 Supplement, 13–14. Cite
Russell, G., van Gardingen, P. R., & Wilson, G. W. (1993). Using physiological information about varieties: the way forward? Aspects of Applied Biology, 34, 47–55. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Grace, J. (1992). Vapour pressure deficit response of cuticular conductance in intact leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. J. Exp. Bot, 43, 1293–1299. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Jeffree, C. E. (1991). Variation in stomatal aperture observed using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. J. Exp. Bot. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Grace, J., & Jeffree, C. E. (1991). Abrasive damage by wind to the needle surfaces of Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr and Pinus sylvestris L. Plant Cell & Environ, 14, 185–193. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Grace, J. (1991). Plants and wind. Adv. Bot. Res, 18, 189–253. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Jeffree, C. E., & Grace, J. (1989). Variation in stomatal aperture in leaves of Avena fatua L. observed by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. Plant Cell & Environ, 12, 887–898. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & McWha, J. A. (1988). Transpiration formulae for use with the Li-Cor LI-6000 portable photosynthesis system. Functional Ecology, 2, 119–122. Cite