Books and Book Chapters

van Gardingen, P. (2003). Forests and poverty reduction: Action needed by development, research and training institutions. In T. Oksanen, B. Pajari, & T. Tuomasjukka (Eds.), Forests in Poverty Reduction Strategies: Capturing the Potential (WOS:000183141600004; pp. 87–98). European Forest Institute. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R. (2003). Regulating the yield of goods and services from forests: Developing tools to support management decisions and policy development for multiple objective forest management. In A. Amaro, D. Reed, & P. Soares (Eds.), Modelling forest systems (pp. 1–10). CAB International. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Thin, N. (2003). Legal, institutional and policy issues affecting access to Common Pool Resources (CPRs): Forestry. In A. E. Neiland & E. Bennet (Eds.), A LEARNING PROCESS: LEGAL, INSTITUTIONAL AND POLICY ISSUES AFFECTING ACCESS TO COMMON POOL RESOURCES (CPRs) (pp. 141–156). IDDRA. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Phillips, P. D., McLeish, M. J., Brash, T. E., Susanty, F. H., Gadas, S., Purnama, B., Sardjono, E., & Yasman, I. (2002). SYMFOR: A silvicultural and yield management tool for tropical forests. In C. Sabogal & J. N. M. Silva (Eds.), Manejo integrado de Florestas Úmidas Neotropicais por Indústrias e Comunidades. Aplicando resultados de pesquisa, envolvendo atores e definindo políticas públicas. Embrapa. Cite
Phillips, P. D., & van Gardingen, P. R. (2001). The SYMFOR Framework for modelling the Effects of Silviculture on the Growth and Yield of Tropical Forests. In K. Rennolls (Ed.), Proceedings of IUFRO 4.11 Conference: “Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Science” (pp. 1–12). University of Greenwich. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R. (2000). Silvicultural systems for KPHP. In D. for I. Development (Ed.), Indonesia, towards sustainable forest management.  Final report of the Senior Management Advisory Team and Provincial Level Forest Management Project.  Volume 2 (pp. 137–153). Department for International Development. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Phillips, P. D. (2000). An introduction to the use of SYMFOR for growth and yield modelling. In Yield Scheduling to support the second cycle of forest harvesting (pp. 7–14). Berau Forest Management Project. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R. (2000). Application of results from the STREK trial:  The role of statistical analysis and simulation modelling. In B. Purnama, A. Ng. Ginting, Pratiwi, D. Sukardi, S. W., D. Rochadi, J. H.Panjaitan, & Y. Septiani (Eds.), Proceeding. Expose of research results of international cooperation projects. Jakarta 24-25 November 1999 (pp. 21–36). Forestry and Estate Crops Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops. Cite
Nifinluri, T., Clearwater, M. J., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Measurement of gap size and understorey light intensities after logging in Central Kalimantan. In P. Sist, C. Sabogal, & Y. Byron (Eds.), Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia (pp. 65–70). Center for International Forest Research. Cite
Clearwater, M. J., Nifinluri, T., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1999). Growth response of wild Shorea seedlings to high light intensity. In P. Sist, C. Sabogal, & Y. Byron (Eds.), Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia (pp. 53–64). Center for International Forestry Research. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Phillips, P. D. (1999). Application of growth and yield modelling as an indicator of sustainable forest management. In Y. Laumonier, B. King, C. Legg, & K. Rennolls (Eds.), International conference on data management and modelling using remote sensing and GIS for tropical forest inventory, Jakarta, Indonesia, 26-29 October 1998 (pp. 491–502). Rodeo International Publishers. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R. (1998). Silvicultural Systems for Reduced Impact Logging Trials in the Pilot KPHP in Central Kalimantan. In A. Muljadi & A. I. Fraser (Eds.), Proceeding.  Joint workshop on silviculture, growth and reduced impact logging and workshop on silviculture, growth and yield and reduced impact logging (pp. 110–117). Department for International Development. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Purnama, B., Rusmantoro, W., Effendi, R., DeKock, R., & Fraser, A. I. (1998). Silvicultural Benefits of Reduced Impact Logging for Sustainable Forest management of Lowland Dipterocarp Forests in Indonesia:  Synthesis of Research Results from Wanariset Sangai and the Indonesian Tropical Forest Management Programme. In A. Muljadi & A. I. Fraser (Eds.), Proceeding.  Joint workshop on silviculture and reduced impact logging and workshop on silviculture, growth and yield and reduced impact logging (pp. 28–46). Department for International Development. Cite
Nifinluri, T., van Gardingen, P. R., & Clearwater, M. J. (1998). Pengukuran cahaya pada gap bekas tebangan dengan mengunakan hemispherical canopy photograph di hutan hujan tropik Kalimantan: In Ekspose Hasil Kerjasam Penelitian ODA (UK-ITFMP) (pp. 1–45). Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Samarinda. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R. (1998). Entries on: daylength; time; solar declination; solar angle; solar azimuth; carbon dioxide springs, hemispherical photography; infra-red gas analysis; day number; julian day. In P. Calow (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management. Blackwell Scientific. Cite
Grace, J., van Gardingen, P. R., & Luan, J. (1997). Tackling large scale problems by scaling up. In P. R. van Gardingen, G. M. Foody, & P. J. Curran (Eds.), Scaling up: From cell to landscape (pp. 7–16). Cambridge University Press. Cite
Grace, J., van Gardingen, P. R., & Raschi, A. (1997). Sites of naturally-elevated CO2. In A. Raschi, F. Miglietta, R. Tognetti, & P. R. van Gardingen (Eds.), Plant responses to elevated CO2. Evidence from natural springs. (pp. 1–6). Cambridge University Press. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Russell, G., Foody, G. M., & Curran, P. J. (1997). Science of scaling: a perspective on future challenges. In P. R. van Gardingen, G. M. Foody, & P. J. Curran (Eds.), Scaling-up: From cell to landscape (pp. 371–378). Cambridge University Press. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Foody, G. M., & Curran, P. J. (1997). Scaling up: From cell to landscape. Cambridge University Press. Cite
Curran, P. J., Foody, G. M., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1997). Scaling-up. In P. R. van Gardingen, G. M. Foody, & P. J. Curran (Eds.), Scaling-up: From cell to landscape (pp. 1–6). Cambridge University Press. Cite
Russell, G., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1997). Problems with using models to predict regional crop production. In P. R. van Gardingen, G. M. Foody, & P. J. Curran (Eds.), Scaling up: From cell to landscape (pp. 273–294). Cambridge University Press. Cite
Raschi, A., Miglietta, F., Tognetti, R., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1997). Plant responses to elevated CO2. Evidence from natural springs. Cambridge University Press. Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., Grace, J., Jeffree, C. E., Byari, S. H., Miglietta, F., Raschi, A., & Bettarini, I. (1997). Long-term effects of enhanced CO2 concentrations on leaf gas exchange:  Research opportunities using CO2 springs. In A. Raschi, F. Miglietta, R. Tognetti, & P. R. van Gardingen (Eds.), Plant responses to elevated CO2. Evidence from natural springs. (pp. 69–86). Cambridge University Press. Cite
Grace, J., & van Gardingen, P. R. (1997). Cuticles under challenge. In G. Kerstiens (Ed.), Cuticles: An integrated perspective (pp. 319–329). BIOS. Cite
Miglietta, F., Badiani, M., Bettarini, I., van Gardingen, P. R., Selvi, F., & Raschi, A. (1995). Preliminary studies of the long-term CO2 response of Mediterranean vegetation around natural CO2 vents. In J. M. Moreno & W. C. Oechel (Eds.), Global change and Mediterranean-type ecosystems (pp. 102–120). Springer. Cite
Miglietta, F., Badiani, M., Bettarini, I., van Gardingen, P. R., & Raschi, A. (1993). Natural carbon dioxide springs and their use for experimentation. In E. D. Schulze & H. A. Mooney (Eds.), Design and execution of experiments on CO2 enrichment (pp. 393–403). Commission of the European Communities. Cite
Vangardingen, P. R. (1991). GREENHOUSE-GAS PRODUCTION BY RUMINANTS IN NEW-ZEALAND - A SERIOUS PROBLEM, OR JUST HOT AIR. In A. Parry (Ed.), Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 51 1991 (WOS:A1991BA61K00004; Vol. 51, pp. 35–39). Cite
van Gardingen, P. R., & Grace, J. (1989). Surface temperature and transpiration rates of leaves. In Heat and Mass Transfer ’89.  Fourth Australasian Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer (pp. 199–207). The University of Canterbury. Cite