GCRF: Recent project awards

The following newly recorded projects were funded by UKRI's Global Challenges Research Fund programme.
This information was downloaded on 1 July 2022 by the DevPubMetric system using data published in the UKRI Gateway to Research database over the preceeding month.

The total value of the 3 awards reported below is £17,630,500.

FunderReferenceProject TitleLead OrganisationAward ValueStart DateEnd Date
NERCNE/R000034/1Atmospheric hazard in developing Countries: Risk assessment and Early Warning (ACREW)University of Leeds£3,971,000Jul 2017Jun 2020
NERCNE/R000115/1NCEO NC ODA FullUniversity of Leicester£1,923,000Jan 2018Mar 2020
NERCNE/R000069/1Geoscience for Sustainable FuturesNERC British Geological Survey£11,736,500Jul 2017Jun 2020