Recent Publications from the Newton Fund

The following recent publications were downloaded on 1 February 2022 by the DevPubMetric system using data captured by the Scopus database over the preceeding month.

There are 135 publications listed below.

Abatan A.A., Collins M., Babel M.S., Khadka D., De Silva Y.K. (2021), Assessment of the Ability of CMIP6 GCMS to Simulate the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation Over Southeast Asia, Frontiers in Climate 3:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123184575

Abatan A.A., Tett S.F.B., Dong B., Cunningham C., Rudorff C.M., Klingaman N.P., De Abreu R.C. (2022), Drivers and physical processes of drought events over the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Climate Dynamics :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122018665

Abdalla M., Song X., Ju X., Smith P. (2022), Evaluation of the DNDC Model to Estimate Soil Parameters, Crop Yield and Nitrous Oxide Emissions for Alternative Long-Term Multi-Cropping Systems in the North China Plain, Agronomy 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122193993

Aboulrous A.A., Haddad A.S., Rafati R., Boyou N.V., Alsabagh A.M. (2022), Review of synthesis, characteristics and technical challenges of biodiesel based drilling fluids, Journal of Cleaner Production 336:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122708910

Aluko A., Carpanen R., Dorrell D., Ojo E. (2021), Robust State Estimation Method for Adaptive Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System in a Restructured Environment, IEEE Systems Journal 15: 5046-5056
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121735621

Alves Junior P.N., Costa Melo I., Yamanaka L., Severino M., Rentizelas A. (2022), Supporting the Bidding Decisions of Smallholder Farmers in Public Calls in Brazil, Agriculture (Switzerland) 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122266704

Antonopoulos I., Robu V., Couraud B., Flynn D. (2021), Data-driven modelling of energy demand response behaviour based on a large-scale residential trial, Energy and AI 4:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85113225994

Ashford B., Poh C.K., Ostrikov K., Chen L., Tu X. (2022), Plasma-catalytic CO2 hydrogenation to ethane in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor, Journal of CO2 Utilization 57:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123181210

Assadi-Langroudi A., O’Kelly B., Barreto D., Cotecchia F., Dicks H., Ekinci A., Garcia F.E., Harbottle M., Tagarelli V., Jefferson I., et al. (2022), Recent Advances in Nature-Inspired Solutions for Ground Engineering (NiSE), International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 8:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122495143

Baker L. (2017), Commercial-scale renewable energy in south africa and its progress to date, IDS Bulletin 48: 101-118
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85049351610

Banani S., Thiemjarus S., Wongthavarawat K., Ounanong N. (2022), A dynamic light-weight symmetric encryption algorithm for secure data transmission via ble beacons, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 11:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121983350

Bao H.X.H., Lim Y. (2022), Behavioural interventions for micro-mobility adoption: Low-hanging fruits or hard nuts to crack?, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 84: 423-441
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122529605

Basyuni M., Bimantara Y., Cuc N.T.K., Balke T., Vovides A.G. (2022), Macrozoobenthic community assemblage as key indicator for mangrove restoration success in North Sumatra and Aceh, Indonesia, Restoration Ecology :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122132024

Batistela M.F., Vilela-Costa H.H., Frias A.T., Hernandes P.M., Lovick T., Zangrossi H. (2021), Enhanced responsiveness to hypoxic panicogenic challenge in female rats in late diestrus is suppressed by short-term, low-dose fluoxetine: Involvement of the dorsal raphe nucleus and the dorsal periaqueductal gray, Journal of Psychopharmacology 35: 1523-1535
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85115026636

Bertulani C.A., Idini A., Barbieri C. (2021), Examination of the sensitivity of quasifree reactions to details of the bound-state overlap functions, Physical Review C 104:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122515379

Bompa D.V., Elghazouli A.Y. (2022), Shear-Compression Failure Envelopes for Clay Brick Lime Mortar Masonry Under Wet and Dry Conditions In: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pgs: 175-185 (Book Series:Conference Paper)
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121926749

Cao Z., Ottino-Gonzalez J., Cupertino R.B., Juliano A., Chaarani B., Banaschewski T., Bokde A.L.W., Burke Quinlan E., Desrivières S., Flor H., et al. (2021), Characterizing reward system neural trajectories from adolescence to young adulthood, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 52:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121704789

Cardoso D., Moonlight P., Ramos G., Oatley G., Dudley C., Gagnon E., Queiroz L.P.d., Pennington R.T., Särkinen T. (2021), Defining Biologically Meaningful Biomes Through Floristic, Functional, and Phylogenetic Data, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122430528

Carvalho M.C., Genaro K., Leite-Panissi C.R.A., Lovick T. (2021), Influence of estrous cycle stage on acquisition and expression of fear conditioning in female rats, Physiology and Behavior 234:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85101785336

Chalcoff V.R., Sasal Y., Graham L.E., Vázquez D.P., Morales C.L. (2022), Invasive bumble bee disrupts a pollination mutualism over space and time, Biological Invasions :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123125297

Chaudhuri A., Subramanian N., Dora M. (2022), Circular economy and digital capabilities of SMEs for providing value to customers: Combined resource-based view and ambidexterity perspective, Journal of Business Research 142: 32-44
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121978528

Comber A., Brunsdon C., Charlton M., Dong G., Harris R., Lu B., Yihe L., Murakami D., Nakaya T., Wang Y., et al. (2022), A Route Map for Successful Applications of Geographically Weighted Regression, Geographical Analysis :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122675973

Cong W., Chai J., Zhao L., Cabral C., Yardley L., Yao G., Zhang T., Cheng J., Shen X., Liu R., et al. (2022), Cluster randomised controlled trial to assess a tailored intervention to reduce antibiotic prescribing in rural China: study protocol, BMJ Open 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122891226

Corrêa P.S., Jimenez C.R., Mendes L.W., Rymer C., Ray P., Gerdes L., da Silva V.O., De Nadai Fernandes E.A., Abdalla A.L., Louvandini H. (2021), Taxonomy and Functional Diversity in the Fecal Microbiome of Beef Cattle Reared in Brazilian Traditional and Semi-Intensive Production Systems, Frontiers in Microbiology 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121595032

Couraud B., Robu V., Flynn D., Andoni M., Norbu S., Quinard H. (2022), Real-Time Control of Distributed Batteries with Blockchain-Enabled Market Export Commitments, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13: 579-591
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85118234144

Cox H., Cooper I., Kaspar H.F., Packer M.A., Badyal J. (2022), Anti-biofouling functional surfaces for marine aquaculture, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 639:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123376000

De Los Santos S., Coral-Vázquez R.M., Menjivar M., de los Ángeles Granados-Silvestre M., De la Rosa S., Reyes-Castro L.A., Méndez J.P., Zambrano E., Canto P. (2022), (−)-Epicatechin improves body composition of male rats descendant of obese mothers postnatally fed with a high-fat diet, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122741259

Deelder W., Napier G., Campino S., Palla L., Phelan J., Clark T.G. (2022), A modified decision tree approach to improve the prediction and mutation discovery for drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, BMC Genomics 23:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122937298

Demir M.N., Demir U., Demir C., Ilki A. (2022), Seismic Performance of CFRP Jacketed Sub-standard RC Columns Under High Axial Stress and Shear Demand In: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pgs: 1278-1290 (Book Series:Conference Paper)
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121908517

Dokla E.M.E., Abdel-Aziz A.K., Milik S.N., McPhillie M.J., Minucci S., Abouzid K.A.M. (2022), Discovery of a benzimidazole-based dual FLT3/TrKA inhibitor targeting acute myeloid leukemia, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 56:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122612970

Elghazouli A.Y., Bompa D.V., Mourad S.A., Elyamani A. (2022), Structural Behaviour of Clay Brick Lime Mortar Masonry Walls Under Lateral Cyclic Loading in Dry and Wet Conditions In: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pgs: 164-174 (Book Series:Conference Paper)
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121907707

Elias R., Melo-Cristino J., Lito L., Pinto M., Gonçalves L., Campino S., Clark T.G., Duarte A., Perdigao J. (2021), Klebsiella pneumoniae and colistin susceptibility testing: Performance evaluation for broth microdilution, agar dilution and minimum inhibitory concentration test strips and impact of the “skipped well” phenomenon, Diagnostics 11:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121574622

Else T., Choudhary S., Genovese A. (2022), Uncovering sustainability storylines from dairy supply chain discourse, Journal of Business Research 142: 858-874
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123062765

Elsheshtawy A., Clokie B.G.J., Albalat A., Beveridge A., Hamza A., Ibrahim A., MacKenzie S. (2021), Characterization of External Mucosal Microbiomes of Nile Tilapia and Grey Mullet Co-cultured in Semi-Intensive Pond Systems, Frontiers in Microbiology 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121794414

Fang Q., Feng Y., McNally A., Zong Z. (2022), Characterization of phage resistance and phages capable of intestinal decolonization of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in mice, Communications Biology 5:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123111066

Felippe I.S.A., Müller C.J.T., Passamani L., Abdala A., Paton J., Sampaio K.N. (2022), Patterns of cardio-respiratory motor outputs during acute and subacute exposure to chlorpyrifos in an ex-vivo in situ preparation in rats, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 436:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123205427

Fell H.G., Osborne O.G., Jones M.D., Atkinson S., Tarr S., Keddie S.H., Algar A.C. (2022), Biotic factors limit the invasion of the plague pathogen (Yersinia pestis) in novel geographical settings, Global Ecology and Biogeography :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122725259

Fernandez D., Segura C., Arman M., McGill S., Burchmore R., Lopera-Mesa T. (2022), Uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria: mapping the proteome from circulating platelets, Clinical Proteomics 19:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122386614

Ferreira-Sgobbi R., de Figueiredo R.M., Frias A.T., Matthiesen M., Batistela M.F., Falconi-Sobrinho L.L., Vilela-Costa H.H., Susana Isabel S., Lovick T., Zangrossi H., et al. (2022), Panic-like responses of female Wistar rats confronted by Bothrops alternatus pit vipers, or exposure to acute hypoxia: Effect of oestrous cycle, European Journal of Neuroscience 55: 32-48
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121502198

Fierro J.J., Hernández-Gómez C., Marenco-Porto C.A., Nieto-Londoño C., Escudero-Atehortua A., Giraldo M., Jouhara H., Wrobel L.C. (2022), Exergo-economic comparison of waste heat recovery cycles for a cement industry case study, Energy Conversion and Management: X 13:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122693279

France J.L., Fisher R.E., Lowry D., Allen G., Andrade M., Bauguitte S., Bower K., Broderick T.J., Daly M.C., Forster G., et al. (2022), δ 13 C methane source signatures from tropical wetland and rice field emissions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 380:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122327538

García-Martínez J.B., Contreras-Ropero J.E., Urbina‐suarez N.A., López-Barrera G.L., Barajas-Solano A.F., Kafarov V., Barajas-Ferreira C., Ibarra-Mojica D.M., Zuorro A. (2022), A Simulation Analysis of a Microalgal-Production Plant for the Transformation of Inland-Fisheries Wastewater in Sustainable Feed, Water (Switzerland) 14:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123162460

Gauci V., Figueiredo V., Gedney N., Pangala S., Stauffer T., Weedon G., Enrich-Prast A. (2022), Non-flooded riparian Amazon trees are a regionally significant methane source, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 380:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122322975

Gera A., Gupta A., Mitra A., Rao D. N., Momin I.M., Rajeeavan M.N., Milton S., Martin G.M., Martin M.J., Waters J., et al. (2022), Skill of the extended range prediction (NERP) for Indian summer monsoon rainfall with NCMRWF global coupled modelling system, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 148: 480-498
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122005744

Giovanetti M., De Mendonca M.C.L., Fonseca V., Mares-Guia M.A., Fabri A., Xavier J., De Jesus J.G., Gräf T., Damasceno Dos Santos Rodrigues C., Dos Santos C.C., et al. (2020), Erratum: Yellow fever virus reemergence and spread in southeast Brazil, 2016-2019 (Journal of Virology (2020) 94:1(e01623-19) DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01623-19), Journal of Virology 94:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85084786207

Goodwin D., Holman I., Pardthaisong L., Visessri S., Ekkawatpanit C., Rey D. (2022), What is the evidence linking financial assistance for drought-affected agriculture and resilience in tropical Asia? A systematic review, Regional Environmental Change 22:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123083441

Gopalakrishna T., Lomax G., Aguirre-Gutiérrez J., Bauman D., Roy P.S., Joshi P.K., Malhi Y. (2022), Existing land uses constrain climate change mitigation potential of forest restoration in India, Conservation Letters :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122788728

Granada Y., Mejía-Jaramillo A., Zuluaga S., Triana-Chavez O. (2021), Molecular surveillance of resistance to pyrethroids insecticides in Colombian Aedes aegypti populations, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122206798

Gregson B.H., Bani A., Steinfield L.A., Holt D., Whitby C. (2022), Anaerobes and methanogens dominate the microbial communities in water harvesting ponds used by Kenyan rural smallholder farmers, Science of the Total Environment 819:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123057103

Gu B., Chen Y., Xie F., Murray J.D., Miller A.J. (2022), Inorganic Nitrogen Transport and Assimilation in Pea (Pisum sativum), Genes 13:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123024538

Guo Y., Liu C., Coombes M. (2021), Spraying Coverage Path Planning for Agriculture Unmanned Aerial Vehicles In: 2021 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing: System Intelligence through Automation and Computing, ICAC 2021, pgs: (Conference Proceeding)
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123185754

Gupta K., Toelzer C., Williamson M.K., Shoemark D.K., Oliveira A.S.F., Matthews D.A., Almuqrin A., Staufer O., Yadav S.K.N., Borucu U., et al. (2022), Structural insights in cell-type specific evolution of intra-host diversity by SARS-CoV-2, Nature Communications 13:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122810636

Hardacre C., Mulcahy J.P., Pope R.J., Jones C., Rumbold S.T., Li C., Johnson C., Turnock S. (2021), Evaluation of SO2, SO42-and an updated SO2dry deposition parameterization in the United Kingdom Earth System Model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21: 18465-18497
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122024170

Heal R.D., Haque M.M., Hasan N.A., Nagoli J., Arifuzzaman S., Tyler C.R., Bass D. (2022), Understanding the economic and farming practices driving species selection in aquaculture within the Mymensingh division of Bangladesh, Aquaculture International :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123069317

Ho W.K., Tai M.C., Dennis J., Shu X., Li J., Ho P.J., Millwood I., Lin K., Jee Y.H., Lee S.H., et al. (2022), Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast cancer risk in Asian populations, Genetics in Medicine :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122213754

Hogg A.J., Skevington E.W.G. (2021), DAM-BREAK REFLECTION, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 74: 441-465
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122761621

Huang H., Liu C., Yi T., Tamaddon M., Yuan S., Shi Z., Liu Z. (2021), Substitution for In Vitro and In Vivo Tests: Computational Models from Cell Attachment to Tissue Regeneration, Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 36: 323-332
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122593575

Ineson S., Dunstone N.J., Ren H.L., Renshaw R., Roberts M., Scaife A.A., Yamazaki K. (2021), ENSO Amplitude Asymmetry in Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Models, Frontiers in Climate 3:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123161984

Jiménez-Kaufmann A., Chong A.Y., Cortés A., Quinto-Cortés C.D., Fernandez-Valverde S.L., Ferreyra-Reyes L., Cruz-Hervert L.P., Medina-Muñoz S.G., Sohail M., Palma-Martinez M.J., et al. (2022), Imputation Performance in Latin American Populations: Improving Rare Variants Representation With the Inclusion of Native American Genomes, Frontiers in Genetics 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123123221

Kalyuzhnova Y., Azhgaliyeva D., Belitski M. (2022), Public Policy Instruments for Procurement: An Empirical Analysis, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 176:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122496204

Kang P., Jiang S., Shull P.B., Lo B.P.L. (2021), Feasibility Validation on Healthy Adults of a Novel Active Vibrational Sensing Based Ankle Band for Ankle Flexion Angle Estimation, IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2: 314-319
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122823140

Khumwan P., Pengpanich S., Kampeera J., Kamsong W., Karuwan C., Sappat A., Srilohasin P., Chaiprasert A., Tuantranont A., Kiatpathomchai W. (2022), Identification of S315T mutation in katG gene using probe-free exclusive mismatch primers for a rapid diagnosis of isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis by real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification, Microchemical Journal 175:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122612850

King M., Li D., Dooner M., Wang J. (2021), Modelling and control of the charging process of a PV-compressed air system for efficiency improvement from panel cleaning and cooling In: 2021 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing: System Intelligence through Automation and Computing, ICAC 2021, pgs: (Conference Proceeding)
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123197624

Kirli D., Couraud B., Robu V., Salgado-Bravo M., Norbu S., Andoni M., Antonopoulos I., Negrete-Pincetic M., Flynn D., Kiprakis A. (2022), Smart contracts in energy systems: A systematic review of fundamental approaches and implementations, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 158:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123105429

Kumar P. (2021), Climate Change and Cities: Challenges Ahead, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85105283224

Kushitor S.B. (2021), Food availability and food habits among Ghanaians: Tracking the dietary transition in Ghana, Nutrition and Health :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121844265

Larsen J., Raisen C., Ba X., Sadgrove N., Padilla-González G.F., Simmonds M.S.J., Loncaric I., Kerschner H., Apfalter P., Hartl R., et al. (2022), Emergence of methicillin resistance predates the clinical use of antibiotics, Nature 602: 135-141
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122332898

Lee J.A.C., Cheah W.L., Anchang G.N.J., Noor Hafizah Y., Abim M., Ruzita A.T., Koh D., Reeves S., Summerbell C.D., Essau C.A., et al. (2022), Teachers’ and Parents’ Perspectives on the Feasibility of a Preschool-Based Behavioral Intervention to Prevent Obesity: An Embedded Qualitative Study within ToyBox Study Malaysia, Early Childhood Education Journal :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122016401

Leong A.Y.C., Yong M.H., Lin M.H. (2022), The effect of strategy game types on inhibition, Psychological Research :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122787921

Li J., Glover J., Zhang H., Peng M., Tan J., Mallick C.B., Hou D., Yang Y., Wu S., Liu Y., et al. (2022), Limb development genes underlie variation in human fingerprint patterns, Cell 185: 95-112.e18
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121974282

Li Y., Zhu Y., Zhou W., Chen Z., Moran R.A., Ke H., Feng Y., Van Schaik W., Shen H., Ji J., et al. (2022), Alcaligenes faecalis metallo-β-lactamase in extensively drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, Clinical Microbiology and Infection :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122109492

Li Y., Zheng Y., Lin Z., Adcock T., Van Den Bremer T.S. (2021), Surface wavepackets subject to an abrupt depth change. Part 1. Second-order theory, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85103774787

Li Y., Draycott S., Zheng Y., Lin Z., Adcock T., Van Den Bremer T.S. (2021), Why rogue waves occur atop abrupt depth transitions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 919:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85113253921

Liang T., Webley P.A., Chen Y.C., She X., Li Y., Ding Y. (2022), The optimal design and operation of a hybrid renewable micro-grid with the decoupled liquid air energy storage, Journal of Cleaner Production 334:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85121903902

Liu J., Berg A.P., Wang Y., Jantarajit W., Sutcliffe K.J., Stevens E.B., Cao L., Pregel M.J., Sheppard D. (2021), A small molecule CFTR potentiator restores ATP-dependent channel gating to the cystic fibrosis mutant G551D-CFTR, British Journal of Pharmacology :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123192302

Liu Y., Benohoud M., Galani Yamdeu J.H., Gong Y.Y., Orfila C. (2021), Green extraction of polyphenols from citrus peel by-products and their antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus, Food Chemistry: X 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85119931216

Lorenzo-Rebenaque L., Malik D., Catalá-Gregori P., Marin C., Sevilla-Navarro S. (2022), Gastrointestinal Dynamics of Non-Encapsulated and Microencapsulated Salmonella Bacteriophages in Broiler Production, Animals 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122379157

Lovick T., Zangrossi H. (2021), Effect of Estrous Cycle on Behavior of Females in Rodent Tests of Anxiety, Frontiers in Psychiatry 12:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85115004514

Magrinelli F., Cali E., Braga V.L., Yis U., Tomoum H., Shamseldin H., Raiman J., Kernstock C., Rezende Filho F.M., Barsottini O.G.P., et al. (2022), Biallelic Loss-of-Function NDUFA12 Variants Cause a Wide Phenotypic Spectrum from Leigh/Leigh-Like Syndrome to Isolated Optic Atrophy, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 9: 218-228
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122133420

Maluk M., Ferrando-Molina F., Lopez del Egido L., Langarica-Fuentes A., Yohannes G.G., Young M.W., Martin P., Gantlett R., Kenicer G., Hawes C., et al. (2022), Fields with no recent legume cultivation have sufficient nitrogen-fixing rhizobia for crops of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), Plant and Soil :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123246003

Marre D., Gaggiotti H. (2021), Irregular adoptions and infrastructures of memory in Spain: remnant practices from the Franco Regime, Childhood 28: 570-584
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122140320

Mbanga J., Amoako D.G., Abia A.L.K., Fatoba D.O., Essack S.Y. (2021), Genomic analysis of antibiotic-resistant Enterobacter spp. from wastewater sources in South Africa: The first report of the mobilisable colistin resistance mcr-10 gene in Africa, Ecological Genetics and Genomics 21:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122800638

Medialdea-Carrera R., Levy F., Castanha P., Carvalho de Sequeira P., Brasil P., Lewis-Ximenez L.L., Turtle L., Solomon T., Bispo de Filippis A.M., Brown D., et al. (2021), A Systematic Evaluation of IgM and IgG Antibody Assay Accuracy in Diagnosing Acute Zika Virus Infection in Brazil: Lessons Relevant to Emerging Infections, Journal of clinical microbiology 59: e0289320
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122048440

Miranda J., Thow A., Cárdenas M.K., Corvalan C., Barrientos-Gutiérrez T., Kaufman J.S. (2022), Nutrition-related health taxes: setting expectations, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 10: 93-94
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85123363514

Miranda J., Beran D., Diez-Canseco F., Buse K., Mendoza W., Peiris D. (2022), How does research influence health policies?, Gaceta Sanitaria :
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122283938

Mukama M., Musango J., Smit S., Ceschin F., Petrulaityte A. (2022), Development of living labs to support gendered energy technology innovation in poor urban environments, Technology in Society 68:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122210810

Murtagh B., Cleland C.L., Ferguson S., Ellis G., Hunter R., Rodriguez Añez C.R., Becker L.A., Hino A.A., Reis R. (2022), Age-friendly cities, knowledge and urban restructuring, International Planning Studies 27: 62-76
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85105167382

Nagy G., Ashraf F. (2021), HBIM platform & smart sensing as a tool for monitoring and visualizing energy performance of heritage buildings, Developments in the Built Environment 8:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122644600

Nantongo Z., Kiggundu M., Moorby J., Kigozi A., Walusimbi H.K., Mugerwa S. (2021), The influence of supplemental feed protein concentration on growth and carcass characteristics of Short Horn Zebu bulls grazing natural pastures, Scientific African 13:
Scopus eid:2-s2.0-85122787110

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