
I am currently available for short or long-term assignments and have broad expertise in the following fields:

  • Higher education and research strategy and management;
  • Innovation systems;
  • Natural resource management;
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning;
  • Project, design, management and appraisal.

Current Curriculum vitae


I have completed a diverse set of professional consultancy assignments in many developing countries. A brief summary of these is provided below with links to further information where this is currently available.

  • Indonesian Tropical Forestry Management Programme (ITMP)
    UK Department for International Development
    -Leading the research project for the ITFMP from 1991 through 2001;
    – Research on forest yield management;
    – Contributing to evidence-bases revisions of policy for sustainable forest management in Indonesia;
    – Training;
  • Berau Forest Management Programme
    Indonesia, European Commission
    – Growth and yield studies;
    – Contributing to evidence-bases revisions of policy for sustainable forest management in Indonesia
  • Forest management in Guyana, Ghana, Brazil and French Guiana
    Department for International Development
    – Building on DFID funded work in Indonesia, including the application of modelling techniques developed under the DFID Forestry Research Programme (SYMFOR)
  • Enhancing the contribution of the environment to poverty reduction in East Africa
    Department for International Development
    Reporting on options to enhance the representation of environmental management in national Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers;
  • African Union. Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and technology
    Department for International Development
    – Supporting the African Union, New Partnership for Africa’s Development and the African Ministerial Council for Science and Technology to develop implementation plans for AU science and technology activities.
    – Key publication: International Experience on Regional Programmes for Science and Technology: Lessons for Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action.;
  • Science, Technology and Innovation for Results (Rwanda)
    Department for International Development
    – Working with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Rwanda to design the process to launch a new science and innovation framework in Rwanda.
    Summary Presentation.
    – This work contributed to major reforms in science and higher education in Rwanda, including the establishment of the University of Rwanda and national research and innovation funding structures.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
    Department for International Development
    European Commission
    Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
    – A large number of assignments for different funders. The largest number where for Defra’s Darwin Initiative where I contributed to the designed of the system that is still in use today.
    – A good example of this work is the Darwin review on their research portfolio on islands.