Country: Lao PDR
Social | Economic | ||
UN Country Code | LAO | Income Status | Lower middle income |
Total Population | 7.4 million | GDP (current US $) | 18.8 billion |
Population growth | 1.4 (%) | GDP growth | 2.5 (%) |
Urban population | 36.9 (%) | GDP ($PPP per capita) | 7,895.6 |
Life expectancy | 68.2 (years from birth) | GNI (Atlas method US$) | 18.6 billion |
Economic data (Year) | 2021 | ||
Youth NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) | 25.8 (%) | NEET data (Year) | 2017 |
GINI coefficient (Relative measure of inequality) | 38.8 (%) | GINI data (Year) | 2018 |
Geographic region | Asia | SDG region | Eastern and South-Eastern Asia |