Empowering Youth
Building Skills, Creating Jobs, Delivering Sustainable Development

The Youth Empowerment Initiative is in its inception stage (2021). The Initiative has emerged from the recognition that Youth (15-24 years) need to be at the heart of future economic, social and environmental sustainable development. This is most important in countries that currently have large youth cohorts on their population demographic (most parts of Asia) or have significant growth projected over the remainder of the current century (Sub-Saharan Africa).

The Initiative begins with the premise that youth in developing and emerging economies need to be empowered to act as positive agents for change in their society and economy. The Initiative is focused on providing the skills and jobs to youth (to become job-ready), as well as creating the opportunity for young people to act as innovators and entrepreneurs (driving innovation, creating new jobs and projects).

During the inception phase of the Initiative there are two main activities:

  1. Generating evidence. Data analysis and review of relevant literature
  2. Designing the Response. Working with stakeholders in developing and emerging economies as well as with governments, the private sector, development agencies and civil society to design an approach that will Empower Youth to deliver Sustainable Development.