ESPA’s Top 50 Cited Publications

The following information was updated on 24 February 2025 by the DevPubMetric system using data captured by the Scopus database.

There are 1 publications included in this list.
These publications have been cited a total of 1 times.

Zorrilla-Miras P., Mahamane M., Metzger M., Baumert S., Vollmer F., Luz A., Woollen E., Sitoe A., Patenaude G., Nhantumbo I., et al. (2018), Environmental Conservation and Social Benefits of Charcoal Production in Mozambique, Ecological Economics 144: 100-111

Data were captured and processed by the DevPubMetric system. The list of publications was generated from data reported by projects directly to UKRI through ResearchFish
Publication data were captured from the UKRI Gateway to Research system.
Open Government Licence

Additional records were generated using the Scopus database through structured searches for new documents by programme name and project reference.All records were then processed to collate full bibliographic data downloaded from Scopus.

This list of publications only contains documents that can be matched against source publications that are included in the Scopus database and the identification process requires researchers to have either reported the outcome to ResearchFish or to have included the programme name or project reference number in a publication's acknowledgement.

It is recognised that a small number of publications reported by researchers in this way and then captured by the DevPubMetric process may have limited levels of direct attribution to the programme.

This list of publications is generated through an automated process. It is possible that a few publications may be included which should not be attributed to this list and that some others may have been missed. Please send requests for corrections to