Covid-19 Publications at the University of Leicester

This page provides a list of academic publications that include at least one author affiliated to the University of Leicester generated from the Scopus database. There may be additional publications that have not yet been captured by the Scopus system or from sources that are currently not indexed by Scopus.

Data are updated monthly on the first day of the month.

The following information was updated on 24 February 2025 by the DevPubMetric system using data captured by the Scopus database.

There are 1 publications included in this list.
These publications have been cited a total of 1 times.

Zorrilla-Miras P., Mahamane M., Metzger M., Baumert S., Vollmer F., Luz A., Woollen E., Sitoe A., Patenaude G., Nhantumbo I., et al. (2018), Environmental Conservation and Social Benefits of Charcoal Production in Mozambique, Ecological Economics 144: 100-111

Data were captured and processed by the DevPubMetric system. The list of publications was extracted using the Scopus using the Scopus system searching for publications linked to institutional affiliations
All records were then processed to collate full bibliographic data downloaded from Scopus.

This list of publications only contains documents from sources that are included in the Scopus database.