Education: Global Challenges

Harvesting fish in a farmed pond outside Dhaka (Bangladesh). One of the major global challenges is the provision of food for a rapidly growing human population.
P. van Gardingen 2016

There is growing demand from students for their education to include topics relating to sustainable development and addressing global challenges. The launch of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 has provided a structured framework to provide students with this information.

My contribution to education at both the University of Edinburgh and University of Leicester has on this theme, drawing on my research and practical experience of global development. This has evolved with development practice that spans the Rio Declaration (1992), International Development Targets (1996), Millennium Development Goals (2000-15) and most recently the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-30).
Read more about my professional journey from Rio to the SDGs.

Some examples (Click on image to view videos)

A lecture first presented in 2010 as part of the University of Edinburgh’s programme of lectures on the theme of “Our Changing World” which was available as a public lecture available to all first-year undergraduate students.

This lecture had significant global uptake via its online presence. As contrasting examples, there was positive feedback from school pupils in New Zealand and the Environment Minister in Colombia.

During the lead-up to the Rio+20 Earth Summit, I was asked to contribute to the UK Government’s “Great” programme as part of the British Embassy in Colombia’s outreach activities.

In 2016 I was invited to present a public lecture at the London School of Economics for students, staff and guests that discussed lessons from the ESPA programme for the implementation of the SDGs.
Download slides as a pdf file.