Global Research

The latest addition to the pvgglobal website is enhanced content on Global Research. I believe in, and practice an approach to delivering global development that is informed by research.

The website now contains information about my own personal research over the last three decades covering topics including forest ecology and management, ecosystem services and most recently research on global sustainability and global challenges.

The site also details examples of my work to set research strategy in these areas and practical experience of research communications.

The process of converting world-class research into global development and impact takes time and effort and there is certainly no one approach that fits all contexts or situations. The examples given on the website are intended to provide some ideas and examples of outcomes and results. It’s important to note, that there are many other examples and ways of building development impact from research.

The site also has information about two additional steps which I feel help to enhance the scale of development impact and the rate of uptake. The first is the ability to synthesise research outcomes and to learn from both the research and the process of research. This comes from effective monitoring, evaluation and learning. Finally, people need to be empowered through access to new ideas and skills, which is where global education has an important role.

If we can work in partnership in ways that address major global challenges, using collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches we can change the world , one step at a time.

The next blogs in this series will illustrate some results of this approach and outline the importance of innovation to change the way that we work.

I hope that this information here will inspire you to innovate in the way that you work and enhance the difference that you can make in the world.

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