
Over the period of over 30 years, my publications have covered a very wide range of topics, including traditional academic publications, technical papers and policy. documents.

Top-10 highest cited papers

van Gardingen P., Jackson G.E., Hernandez-Daumas S., Russell G., Sharp L. (1999), Leaf area index estimates obtained for clumped canopies using hemispherical photography, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 94: 243-257

Asdak C., Jarvis P.G., van Gardingen P., Fraser A. (1998), Rainfall interception loss in unlogged and logged forest areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Journal of Hydrology 206: 237-244

van Gardingen P., Grace J., Jeffree C. (1991), Abrasive damage by wind to the needle surfaces of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. and Pinus sylvestris L., Plant, Cell & Environment 14: 185-193

van Gardingen P., Valle D., Thompson I. (2006), Evaluation of yield regulation options for primary forest in Tapajós National Forest, Brazil, Forest Ecology and Management 231: 184-195

Phillips P., Yasman I., Brash T., van Gardingen P. (2002), Grouping tree species for analysis of forest data in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Forest Ecology and Management 157: 205-216

Msoffe F.U., Kifugo S.C., Said M., Neselle M.O., van Gardingen P., Reid R., Ogutu J., Herero M., de Leeuw J. (2011), Drivers and impacts of land-use change in the Maasai Steppe of northern Tanzania: An ecological, social and political analysis, Journal of Land Use Science 6: 261-281

van Gardingen P., Grace J. (1991), Plants and Wind In: Advances in Botanical Research, pgs: 189-253 (Book Series:Article)

van Gardingen P., Jeffree C., Grace J. (1989), Variation in stomatal aperture in leaves of Avena fatua L. observed by low‐temperature scanning electron microscopy, Plant, Cell & Environment 12: 887-898

Phillips P., de Azevedo C.P., Degen B., Thompson I., Silva J.N.M., van Gardingen P. (2004), An individual-based spatially explicit simulation model for strategic forest management planning in the eastern Amazon, Ecological Modelling 173: 335-354

Valle D., Phillips P., Vidal E., Schulze M., Grogan J., Sales M., van Gardingen P. (2007), Adaptation of a spatially explicit individual tree-based growth and yield model and long-term comparison between reduced-impact and conventional logging in eastern Amazonia, Brazil, Forest Ecology and Management 243: 187-198