Results, Delivery and Impact


The benefits derived from higher education and research can, in part, be measured by the impacts on the lives of people, the economy (business) and environment. Some examples of results and delivery of impact are presented below based on my work covering global education, research and development.

A community school funded through a payment for environmental services programme established by the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS), near Manaus in the State of Amazonas, Brazil.
  • Transnational education
    – Generating an institutional approach for successful TNE at the University of Leicester
    – Implementing this approach to drive future growth of TNE based on investing in a small number of deep and significant partnerships that are both sustainable and resilient.
  • Growth of global research at the University of Leicester
    – Producing the University’s GCRF Strategy which was described as exemplary by Research England
    – Delivering strategic growth of international and development research.
    From a baseline in FY16-17 of £6.8 million this grew by over 300% to £22.5 million in FY18-19. This equated to an increase from 13% to 23% of overall research income for the University over the same period.
    – Expanding the proportion of research-active staff engaged in global research.
  • ESPA: Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme
    – Leading the delivery of the UK’s Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme (ESPA).
    – Acting as a global ambassador for ESPA and its research.
  • Building global partnerships
    – Leading the development of ESPA, which delivered over 100 projects in 53 countries involving over 1000 researchers.
    – Leading the establishment of new research and educational partnerships for the University of Leicester.
  • Nairobi Alliance
    – Leading the establishment of the Nairobi Alliance, linking the University of Leicester, with the Universities of Nairobi, Rwanda, Malawi and Witwatersrand (South Africa).
  • Innovation systems
    – Delivering the Innovation system for Rwanda, based on work completed for AU-NEPAD
    – Production of a working paper which discussed how universities can enhance their contribution to society through innovation and how this might be enabled.
  • Enhancing institutional reputation
    – Building the reputation of the ESPA programme
    – Promoting the University of Leicester as a partner of choice for international education, research and enterprise partnerships
    – Contributing to the enhancement of the in University of Leicester’s global rankings.