Results, Delivery and Impact

Growth of Global Research. University of Leicester

A major focus at the University of Leicester was to promote the growth of international and development research. The strategic framing for this work was provided by a strategic framework for international research (internal document) and production of the institutional strategy for the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). This Strategy, high commended by Research England set priority themes and countries for Leicester’s global and development research and defined a set of principles for the way that the University would work in partnership to deliver and apply this research.

Also see the section on research strategy.

  • Delivering strategic growth of international and development research
    – Growth from a baseline in FY16-17 of £6.8 million to become £22.5 million in FY18-19 (over 300% increase).
  • This growth equated to an increase from 13% to 23% of overall research income for the University over the same period meaning that international activity became more important to the University under my leadership.
  • Expanding the proportion of research-active staff engaged in global research.
  • Producing the University’s GCRF Strategy which was described as exemplary by Research England
  • Leading the production of the the University’s largest GRCF proposal for a hub on Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities. Whilst the hub was not funded, some components are now being implemented with alternative funding.
  • Co-leading a GCRF proposal on plastic use and pollution in Africa. Submitted March 2020 (pending outcome)